Winter Park


Winter Park

As a custom piece for Christmas this year, I created this sculpture of Winter Park in Colorado, with my own boarder and outline on the lower part of the sculpture. This piece is made from painted layers of 1/4 inch birch, and I love how it turned out!

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Plowshares: Altered Colorado


Plowshares: Altered Colorado

On May 17, 1973, The US Government Detonated three 33-kiloton nuclear devices thousands of feet underground in Rio Blanco County, Colorado, as a test of the feasibility of nuclear fracking. This test, named “Project Rio Blanco” was part of the broader “Plowshares Program”, an attempt to find non wartime uses for nuclear weapons. The center of the three imposed shockwaves in this piece is the drill site for “Project Rio Blanco”. This piece was created for the Land Lines show at Walker Fine Art.


The Nipple: Altered Colorado


The Nipple: Altered Colorado

Starting with a 7.5 minute map of a feature in north Routt County, Colorado, called the Nipple, I stretched and altered this map in 2D, before constructing it in 3D. This piece talks to the silly nature of humans overlaying and forcing euclidian geometry onto the fractal geometry of nature, through rectangular land allotments and the like. This piece was created for the Land Lines show at Walker Fine Art in Denver.


Fremont Map


Fremont Map

As a commission for the Fremont Residences, done through Walker Fine Art and Nine Dot Arts, I created this 3D map of the western US, with the 5 exploration routes of John Fremont highlighted. In the mid 1800s, John Fremont embarked on 5 large explorations of the west, starting in what is now Kansas City. Those routes were diligently researched, and traced across the American West. The map is made from painted wood, with each layer representing 1000 ft of elevation gain. The routes, border, and coast lines are back lit with LED lit acrylic, and the whole piece is framed with natural walnut. This piece measures 9.5 feet wide x 7.5 ft tall x 5 inches deep.



Colorado 14er Installation


Colorado 14er Installation

As part of the show ‘Land Lines’ at Walker Fine Art (On display from Sept 25th - Nov 7th, 2020), I created this installation consisting of all of Colorado’s 14,000 ft peaks, recreated with gold, silver, and bronze mirrored acrylic. The mountains were isolated by their lowest encompassing elevation contour that still focused on the locality of the mountain. All the mountains are to scale with each other, sliced at the same elevation interval, oriented north south, and arranged in their general organization across the state (I had to crowd them in together to fit on the wall, especially the Sawatch range).


Revelstoke Mountains

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Revelstoke Mountains

This wall hanging sculpture was created as a commissioned art piece for Revelstoke Capital’s new Cherry Creek office, through Walker Fine Art.

I depicts a very large area of the mountains to the east and south of Revelstoke Canada, rendered in the Colorado flag inspired color palette. This is easily the largest sculpture I have made, and I am very pleased with how it turned out. The materials are cut birch plywood, with each piece being hand painted. the contour steps are every 500 feet. What do you think?

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¡ Denver !: Altered Colorado


¡ Denver !: Altered Colorado

This is the first piece I have made for Walker Fine Art in Denver! this mat board piece, titled “¡”, shows the topography of Denver rendered in the colors of the Colorado flag, with an exclamation point superimposed onto the topography. It measures 32 in wide, 40 in tall, and 3 in deep.


Mt Mitchell Mirror Layers


Mt Mitchell Mirror Layers

Gold, silver, and bronze mirrored acrylic stack to form contour bounded mountains.

This piece was commissioned by a friend from North Carolina, and it depicts Mt Mitchell, the highest point in the US east of the Mississippi.


Cannibal Plateau: Altered Colorado


Cannibal Plateau: Altered Colorado

the gentle slope of Cannibal Plateau have been glitched out in this wall hanging sculpture. Cannibal Plateau, near Lake City CO, is so named because that is where Alfred Packer ate some people. See ‘Cannibal the Musical’ for more historic facts.


Flatirons Colorado


Flatirons Colorado

Using some great LiDAR data, I made this sculpture of the first 3 Flatirons in Boulder Colorado. These amazing features lie on the flanks of Green Mountain. This piece is roughly 22 in x 22 in x 13 in


Yosemite Valley


Yosemite Valley

The iconic American National Park and climbing Mecca rendered in the colors of the ever alluring Sierra Nevada granite. This glass topped oak table measures roughly 3 ft x 4 ft x 2 ft, and has an up valley peephole mimicking the famous ‘Tunnel View’. HUGE thanks to Bang Bang Photography for these amazing pictures.


Devils Tower National Monument


Devils Tower National Monument

America's first national monument rendered in some of the highest detail possible! I owe a big thanks to the USGS National Unmanned Aircraft Systems Project Office for the data they collected, and then provide free to everyone. Using a method called photogrammetry (which involved using over 800 photos from drones, and triangulating different points in space from the differences in each photo) they created this great data-set for me to play with. There is so much detail you can see the individual basalt columns running up the cliff faces. This sculpture can be yours, and you don't even need to destroy your living room with mashed potatoes.


Paw Paw Shield


Paw Paw Shield

This is a reflected landscape from Paw Paw West Virginia. It is certainly the largest "Shield" that I have made so far, and easily on of the most complex and detail oriented pieces, but I think It came out pretty great. Maybe a little too trippy... maybe... probably not. measures roughly 30 in x 40 in x 6 in


Crater Lake National Park Sculpture


Crater Lake National Park Sculpture

This one is pretty awesome, not gonna lie. This wall hanging piece has mirrored glass embedded for the surface of the water, and is framed by stained hickory wood. It's rustic and pop, psychedelic and natural. It is dope.

41 in x 33 in x 3.5 in


Hamlin CA Shield


Hamlin CA Shield

This is a shield made from the buttes to the south east of Chico CA, They looked volcanic. I saw them while driving by and thought, "hmm, those would make a cool map". Turns out they did.


Elk Mountains

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Elk Mountains

This one was a doozy! It features the Elk Mountains in Colorado between the towns of Crested Butte and Aspen. It measures 40 in x 32 in x 10 in

View from Crystal CO

Snowmass Lake

The Crusty Butt

Meadow Mountain

Snowmass Ski Area

East River

Cutting into Castle Peak

Aspen Highlands Ski Area

Copper Creek

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Maroon Bells


Maroon Bells

Working with a euclidian shape for the base, I took a slice out of the Elk Mountians to focus on the Maroon Bells


First 'Shield' experiments


First 'Shield' experiments

Hey folks, I am trying a new concept with the topography. By taking a landscape and reflecting it across 2 axis, I am creating these 'Shields'. Let me know what you think!

This if from the foothills beneath Mt Elbert, near Leadville CO

This is of the lower Lodor canyon, with the Green River creating the border/outline of the piece
